May 26, 2016


Mango slices - 450 gms
Sugar - 350-450 gms(as per taste)
Green color -  few drops
Water - 750 ml
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp or 
Citric acid - 1 tsp


  • Wash, pare and cut the mangoes into slices.
  • put them in stainless steel pan, add 450 m of water and simmer for 30-45 minutes or till they become soft.
  • Cool slightly and strain twice through 2-3 layers of muslin cloth by using the remaining water. 
  • Add sugar equal to 1 1/4 to  1 1/2 times of the mango slices.
  • Keep the pan on slow fire till the sugar is dissolved.
  • Add lime juice, increase the heat and boil rapidly until it reaches a temperature of 222 F.
  • Remove from the fire.
  • Transfer to sterilized bottles.

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